Welcome to Zombie Hood
Zombie Hood is a captivating web comic created by Ian Corrao and Justin Dupont. It tells the story of a group of friends who move into a seemingly average neighborhood, only to find out that it is teeming with zombies. However, these are not your typical brain-hungry creatures. Instead, they possess jobs, families, and even their own zombie language, making for a truly unique reading experience.
A New Perspective on Zombies
As the friends navigate their new surroundings, they quickly learn that life in a neighborhood filled with zombies is anything but boring. This web comic invites readers to explore the lighter side of the undead, showcasing how these zombies manage their daily lives. The friendships and interactions unfold in a humorous yet insightful manner, allowing readers to see zombies in an entirely different light.
Join the Adventure!
Throughout their journey, the main characters find jobs in the games and pop culture industries, further enriching the storyline. As they delve into this realm, readers are taken along for the ride, experiencing the delightful and quirky aspects of their new home. Zombie Hood is more than just a comic; it’s an adventure filled with laughs, friendship, and a unique take on zombies that will keep you coming back for more.